Monday, January 2, 2012

Roses and Awards!

My Ducks won the Rose Bowl!! Woohoo!!! We are SUPER happy in the Bee household today!! I can already tell 2012 is going to be great! And did you see those helmets?? 
Sick!! I <3 my ducks! I mean seriously! They were awesome!

Anyways, onto the reason for this post! Kelly B over at Busy in K has awarded me with the 
award. Thank you, Kelly!!! That is so sweet! I am truly honored that you thought of me for this award. If you haven't heard of Kelly B, you HAVE you check out her blog! She is awesome! I was amazed that such an great blogger like Kelly even knew of my little blog! Seriously though, check her out and make sure to follow her so that you can get all of her perfect kinder freebies! 

Now here's how the award works. 

The Liebster Award goal's is to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. The rules are:
  1. copy and paste the award on your blog
  2. thank the giver and link back to them
  3. reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
  4. hope that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers
Here are my top 5! 

Pray Teach Love- Kelly Beason (Different Kelly than Kelly B!) I nominated Kelly for a different award in the past, but she seriously is so awesome that she deserves another! Check her blog out for lots of freebies, inspirational tidbits AND she's a college football fan, so really, how can you not like her? :)
File Folder Farm- Nia creates AWESOME file folder games that I use in my classroom regularly! They are super cute and interactive, the kids just love them! and the best part is, they are really easy to make! Did I mention that she does this out of the goodness of her heart? That's right! I mean FREE! Now hurry, run and check her out before she catches wind that she could make a bunch of money off these babies! haha.
What Happens in Kindergarten...Last's a lifetime- Mrs. Giese write a super sweet and fun kinder blog! I have been stalking her blog since she started last spring! She always shares her ideas and does really fun things in her room! Check her out!
Kinder Journey- Margaret is a new blogger (last summer) but you wouldn't know it by how awesome she is!! She started off with a bang by sharing all of her amazing ideas, lessons and adaptations to things she has used in her classroom. Margaret is a first year kinder teacher this year, and she is fabulous!! I would love to be in her class!
Kinder Zoo- I love this blog! her graphics are ADORABLE and her ideas are (you guessed it!) Awesome! You'll definitely want to check out the Kinder Zoo so you can start doing her activities in your classroom, too!
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1 Erin Eberhart said...

I actually thought of you today when I saw something on ESPN about the ducks. ha ha :) Hope you had a Happy New Year!

2 Lisa G. said...

Love your blog!!!! I have awarded you the versatile blogger award...come on over to check it out :o)

3 Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

Congrats on your award! Your blog is really cute :) Have a truly happy Sunday :)

Lisa :) (new follower)
Made in the Shade in Second Grade

4 Nia said...

Thanks so much for nomintating for an award! I am honored.
